Quality Management System

Establishing Quality Management System and working continuously on business operations upgrade, SUE Tajikairnavigation confirms its determination to constantly and fully meet users’ requirements. In 2018 SUE Tajikairnavigation is planing to get ISO 9001:2015 certificate for the following processes: Air Traffic Services (ATS); Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) Services; Meteorological Services (МЕТ); Aeronautical Information Services (AIS); Information Technology (IT). 
Quality Management System’s structure was adjusted to SUE Tajikairnavigation organizational structure in order to meet SUE Tajikairnavigation needs and to provide documents of all business processes that could have an impact on quality and safety of the services and their effective application. In compliance with ISO standards’ requirements, SUE Tajikairnavigation’s policy and set objectives, processes which ensure efficient system functioning are followed, maintained and upgraded.

Safety Management System

A dynamic and complex system relies on merging of human resources, technical systems and strict rules, enabling provision of air navigation services in a safe, orderly and expeditious manner.
With the aim of enhancing the quality of air navigation service provision, conditioned by the air traffic volume increase, SUE Tajikairnavigation pays a lot of attention to the safety promotion, and to the effectiveness and efficiency improvement, with continuous monitoring and fulfillment of the users` requirements.
In accordance with basic safety principles, SUE Tajikairnavigation is implementing appropriate Safety Management System, in order to ensure better understanding, implementation and application of high air traffic safety standards through:
SUE Tajikairnavigation
Safety Policy -
declares its responsibility to make safety-related activities its priority.
Safety Management System (SMS) - Safety management concepts demonstrate the basic concepts that safety management relies on;
Safety Achievements, Safety Guarantees and Safety Promotion help demonstrate the basic requirements and principles to be applied in order to establish the Safety Management System, as well as the means and methods for their fulfillment. By satisfying the requirements and applying the principles for the Safety Management System establishment, the possibility of SMATSA llc having effect on the undesired event occurrence is minimized or completely eliminated.
Risk Assessment and Mitigation - The objectives of the Risk Management and Mitigation is timely detection of potential risks, assessment of their impact on the service provision, and taking appropriate measures for the identified risk elimination or mitigation.
Safety Performance Indicators - Safety Performance Indicators and their allowed values have been defined at the national level by the Civil Aviation Directorate of the Republic of Serbia and the Civil Aviation Agency of Montenegro.
Safety Culture
Safety Culture is the product of individual and group values, competency and behavior patterns characterized by commitment, style and knowledge oriented towards establishing “healthy atmosphere“ within the organization and the safety management.
Five key components of the Safety Culture are:
Rеporting Culture
Just Culture
Flexible Culture
Learning Culture
Informed Culture